about us ✌️
What is 4Corners ?
4Corners Christian Fellowship is a fellowship of brothers and sisters from all over the world and a Christian student group at USC. Our vision is to create a place where people from many cultures and diverse backgrounds can come together to experience God and journey alongside each other. Along the way we also hang out, eat good food, go on awesome trips, and just do college life together. At 4Corners, we try to recreate the church we read in Acts chapter 2 of the Bible — ordinary folks forming an extraordinary community — and we invite you to join us!
⬇️ What do we do ⬇️
Bible Study
Each week we have a time of studying the Bible and learning about what God's word has to say to us in our lives today. Of course we also have a lot of fun playing wacky games, sports, going on fun outings and grabbing dessert together.
Whether you've grown up in the church or have never seriously looked into Christianity, we believe college is the best time to discover the Bible as reliable and of utmost importance and relevance to our lives.
College is a journey with all kinds of challenges. It can be tough going through this journey alone, but here at 4Corners we strive to live out the portrait of the community described in Acts2: living life together, hanging out in each other's homes, bringing soup over when someone is sick and just getting to know one another on a deeper level. College is the perfect time to form this kind of community so come join us!